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When the British occupied the tiny island of Hong Kong during the First Opium War, the Chinese empire was well into its decline, while Great Britain was already in the second decade of its legendary "Imperial Century." From this collision of empires arose a city that continues to intrigue observers. Melding Chinese and Western influences, Hong Kong has long defied easy categorization. John Carroll's engrossing and accessible narrative explores the remarkable history of Hong Kong from the early 1800s through the post–1997 handover, when this former colony became a Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China. The book explores Hong Kong as a place with a unique identity, yet also as a crossroads where Chinese history, British colonial history, and world history intersect. Carroll concludes by exploring the legacies of colonial rule, the consequences of Hong Kong's reintegration with China, and significant developments and challenges since 1997.


John Carroll’s engrossing and accessible narrative explores the remarkable history of Hong Kong from the early 1800s through the post–1997 handover, when this former British colony became a Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China. The book explores Hong Kong as a place with a unique identity, yet also as a crossroads where Chinese history, British colonial history, and world history intersect. Carroll concludes by assessing the legacies of colonial rule, the consequences of Hong Kong’s reintegration with China, and significant developments and challenges since 1997.


John M. Carroll is professor of history at the University of Hong Kong.


| Content |


Acknowledgments vii

Note on Romanization and Sources ix

Introduction: Hong Kong in History 1

1. Early Colonial Hong Kong 9

2. State and Society 33

3. Colonialism and Nationalism 63

4. The Interwar Years 89

5. War and Revolution 116

6. A New Hong Kong 140

7. Becoming Hong Kongese 167

8. The Countdown to 1997 190

Epilogue: Beyond 1997 217

Chronology of Key Events 239

Bibliography and Further Reading 251

Index 261




“John Carroll has done an excellent job of . . . producing an engaging and up-to-date overview of the territory from the beginning of colonial rule through to the present. It will be of particular value to those who teach on Hong Kong, as they now have a book that students will find accessible and interesting, but it will also serve as a good entry point for those who want to learn more about the development of this distinctive region.” —New Zealand Journal of Asian Studies


“Written in a readable style free of jargon, John Carroll’s new work is a welcome addition to the growing historiography of Hong Kong. It skillfully chronicles major events in Hong Kong from the early nineteenth century to the present, concluding with a thoughtful epilogue analyzing the legacies of colonialism and their contemporary relevance. Valuable for general readers, this book is also a useful reference for scholars in the field.” —Jung-fang Tsai, College of Charleston


“This is an extraordinary study and could be used by any level of scholar and in any number of classrooms. . . .” —World History Connected


“A fine balance between substance and readability.” —Sino-Western Cultural Relations Journal


“Carroll . . . offers a cogent synthetic history from the 1840s Opium War to the present. . . . Clearly written [and] accessible. . . . Recommended.” —Choice

A Concise History of Hong Kong (香港簡史)

  • 作者 | AUTHOR

    John M. Carroll  (高馬可)

  • 出版社 | PUBLISHER

    Hong Kong University Press
  • 書號 | ISBN






