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此攝影集輯錄了何藩 138 幀作品,當中既包括在國際影展中獲獎無數的,亦有首度亮 相的作品。影集中的第一篇文章,《我的嘗試》,由何藩編寫自己對攝影和美感的追 求,也記錄了這位攝影師揉合不同攝影風格的經歷。透過何藩的文字讀者能理解他對 於美學,詩學,哲學之間協調的定義。 何藩之後由攝影界轉入電影界,但仍保持對藝術和美學的熱誠。攝影集中包括了大學 學者陳智廷教授從學術角度探討何藩在攝影和電影的視覺連繫;亦有資深影評人,何藩生前摯友羅卡從個人角度憶述他轉營過程。 如同何藩家人所述:「何藩是永遠在我們內心深處,透過他遺下來的作品,會感覺和他 的距離拉得更近。每一次我們注視他那令人難以忘懷的作品,總有不同的體驗,無論 是他鏡頭下那逝去的時代、 還是恆久不變的人情味。」


2021 marks the fifth anniversary of Fan Ho’s passing and what would have been his 90th birthday. To commemorate and celebrate his lifetime achievements, Blue Lotus Gallery is pleased to present a brand new publication “Photography. My Passion. My Life.”, bundling the best of Fan Ho’s work, to be published by WE Press and released in December 2021. This photo-book contains a selection of 138 photos by the celebrated photographer, intertwining his internationally renowned works with those that have yet to be released. The book contains an essay “My Quest” written by Fan Ho himself in the 70’s, explaining his own practice and his stylistic journey as he was influenced by different movements in photography occurring at that time. Through his essay, we learn about his interpretations of aesthetics, poetics, philosophy and synergy, as seen in his photographs. Fan Ho transitioned from the world of photography to the film industry while maintaining his enthusiasm for art. This transition is examined in an academic essay written by Dr. Timmy Chen, who is currently researching on Fan Ho’s cinema, further elaborated in an essay and personal interpretation by Law Kar, a veteran film researcher and personal friend of Fan Ho. As per the Fan Ho family, “Fan Ho will always have a special place in our hearts, and we feel closer to him through the lasting legacy of his work. We know we will continue to discover something refreshing every time we look at his unforgettable images, be they portrayals of a bygone era or of the endurance of the human spirit.”


| 作者簡介 |


何藩  (1931-2016),1931 年生於上海。 自18 歲生日時獲父親所贈 Rolleiflex 雙鏡頭相機開始,便與攝影結下不解之緣。其後他於 1949 年與家人移居香港,繼續追尋攝影夢。何藩被譽為「東方布列松」。拍攝中,他常以極大的耐心等待「最佳時機」,等待人物形象與幾何結構和線條精心構建的背景不期而遇。他喜歡用背光效果或結合煙霧與光線來營造戲劇感和氛圍。海上或街頭生活、黃昏時被太陽拉出細⻑斜影的巷道和市場是他最愛的取景點。何藩對香港⺠生的熱愛讓他的攝影作品充滿人文氣息。


在他的照片中我們可以看到苦力、商販、沿街叫賣的小販、在街上玩耍的孩童等等。他努力捕捉的是香港的魂、香港人的苦難和堅韌。他的⻘少年時代到二十八歲前是最多產時期,作品在當時已獲得廣泛關注,通過參加畫廊比賽贏得近 300 個地區和國際性大獎。他的才華對電影業亦產生了不少的影響。他曾參演多部電影,之後轉作導演直至65 歲退休。




‧1958 年入選國際沙龍作品張數全球最多,榮獲「世界十傑冠軍」
‧1962 年獲「世界十傑亞軍」
‧1959-1961、1963-1965 皆名列世界十傑之一
‧2017 年《念香港人的舊》榮獲第十一屆香港書獎


感情・感悟・感覺 Photography. My Passion. My Life.(中英雙語)

  • 作者 | AUTHOR


  • 出版社 | PUBLISHER

    香港人出版 WE Press Co. Ltd.

  • 書號 | ISBN





