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「政正係理」(Politically Correct)是陶傑的英文小品結集,第一集出版後即備受關注,供不應求,預告了第二集有必要迅速登場。 香江才子陶傑的英文小品,絕對「陶式政治正確」。跟隨陶傑以文字泛舟,面對荒謬的天下大事,何須動怒?在江流上嬉笑怒罵,一片冰心,自然能望穿俗流。


| Contents |


The Landmines War 001

The Missing Piece 004

Views from a Moral Low Ground 007

Strangers at the Book Fair 010

Sentimental Value for Money 012

Knowing Your Bottom-line 014

The Mission That Dares Not Speak Its Name 016

Undersecretaries Under Fire 019

The Great Flood 021

The War at Home, Again 023

Those Were the Days 025

How We Could Help 028

Long Since the Clock Struck Twelve 033

Born Free-loading 035

Hong Kong In The Shit 037

What A Bad Week 039

The Thunder and the Bird 042

The Long March 045

The Missing Chicken 048

China's Cinematic Takeover 051

From Man to Pig 054

The Grand Illusion 057

Stockim Syndrome 060

The War of Vacant Chairs 065

Confucius Confusion 068

Liu’s Little Limbo 070

A Snow-Snubbing Snog 072

Say No to National Identity 074

A Sky Burial 076

The Asian White Elephant 079

When A Cock Gets a Rare Hard-on 082

Four Wives and a Valet 084

The Escape of the Rabbit 086

Why Tahrir is No Tiananmen 088

A Dispatch from Vienna 091

When A Billion Chinese Jump 094

Beating the Bush 095

Support Japan 098

Rubbing Some Salt into the Wound 100

Knocked For Six Thousand 103

Our Untimely Absence in Libya 106

The Endless Plight of Japan 111

The Chinese Ai-Sore 114

Civil War on Hospital Beds 117

When Middleton Meets the Middle Kingdom 119

The Widening Gulf 122

The Forbidden Backhouse 125

My National Education in Mid-Air 128

Les Miserables in the New Territories 131

The Li Na Narcissism 133

Value for Money 135

Piles of New Territories Problems 138

To Be, Or Not To Be 141

Cassandra's Dream 143

My Weekend in Paris 146



| About The Author |



政正係理 2 Politically Correct 2 (陶傑英文小品選)

  • 作者 | AUTHOR

    陶傑 Chip Tsao

  • 出版社 | PUBLISHER


  • 書號 | ISBN







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